Sam Bennett

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

– Margaret Mead

Sam is running for Mayor of Allentown to restore faith in City Hall and ensure all Allentown citizens have a city that is safe, clean and prosperous for all. For thirty years, Sam has worked to move our city forward. Now you can stand up for her. Use the form below to tell your story about why you support Siobhan “Sam” Bennett for Mayor of Allentown 2017. Our team will reach out to you before we post your photo and story.

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I'm With Sam

I’ve known Sam Bennett for over 20 years, and I am excited to support her campaign for Mayor. Allentown deserves her kind of smart, trustworthy leadership. Through her political, business and civic endeavors, Sam has demonstrated her deep commitment to the city of Allentown. She is the leader Allentown needs to continue to grow and thrive.

– former U.S. Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz (PA)

I wish you the very best in your campaign and truly feel that you are the best for Allentown. Though at this time I am unable to participate in politics in any fashion, I am wishing you the very best, and looking forward to voting for you in 2017.

– Jeanette Eichenwald - Former Allentown City Councilwoman, Inaugural Chair, Friends of Siobhan "Sam" Bennett 2017

A volunteer for each of Mayfair's 30 years and a supervisor/team leader for the past 23 year I've worked with all it's executive directors. Not only was Sam Bennett its most successful Executive Director- she was the best ever at managing Mayfair's most important resource - its volunteers.

– Bobbie Rudolph - 20 year Volunteer Supervisor Mayfair Festival of the Arts

I always enjoyed watching Sam Bennett when she was a semi-regular guest on Megyn Kelly’s afternoon show. As a CEO commuting to Washington, DC from Allentown, she had achieved what all of us in business and the professions aspire to: she had “gone national”. Leadership, however, is a quality that transcends location. Allentown’s downtown development has, rightly I believe, caught the notice of the entire country. It would be very helpful for us that our next Mayor be able to relate to federal and state government officials as well as outside business and real estate developers from a higher, national perspective. Local government, by its nature, tends to be the domain of people with a more parochial point of view. Rarely, though, do we have an opportunity to elect a leader whose perspective is sufficiently broad to elevate the quality of life in our city. Siobhan Bennett’s experience working on a larger, national stage offers us a compelling contrast in the next municipal election.

– Lawrence T. Larmer - Financial Advisor, Allentown, PA

I've always been impressed by leadership that is compassionate, leads by example and committed to diversity. Sam Bennett is such a leader.  Having grown up in Allentown, I fully support her candidacy for Mayor in 2017 because Allentown is no longer a small town, but a metropolitan city. Our growth depends on a leader of Sam's magnitude. 

– Tatiana Tooley - former candidate PA State House (PA 22), Get Out The Vote Manager Friends of Siobhan "Sam" Bennett 2017

I have known Sam since she ran for Congress in 2008 and then served as CEO for WCF and SSR, where I served as Treasurer to the Board of Directors. In a world where partisan politics have created nothing but gridlock, and where elected officials seem to have forgotten that their constituents elected them to represent them and work for their interests, Sam is a living reminder of the best of what our representatives have to offer:  she is smart, sensible, and most importantly you can rely on two things - she will work hard for you, and she cares.

– Jennifer Marre - Managing Director, Associate General Counsel, U.S. Trust; Former Board Treasurer Women's Campaign Fund and She Should Run

I've watched Sam in action over the past 16 years. She works hard. She cares. She's smart. Few have done as much to make a difference. That's why I think Sam Bennett will be great as the next Mayor of Allentown.

– Dick Leonzi - Treasurer Friends of Siobhan "Sam" Bennett

Sam Bennett would be a great mayor because what she can do is incredible.  With the William Allen Construction Company, Good Neighbors, Properties of Merit and the Martin Luther and Coretta Scott King Memorial (now The Freedom Memorial), I have seen her build amazing organizations, starting with nothing but a great idea and committed colleagues.  With Mayfair Festival of the Arts, Women's Campaign Fund and the Lehigh County Democrats' get-out-the-vote operation, she stepped into challenging situations and turned them around.  Sam is successful due to hard work and talent; she is highly skilled at marketing, communication, finance and operations.  Sam is honest and she really cares about Allentown.

– Martin Estrada - Allentown City Democratic Committee, immediate past chair, Mayfair Festival of the Arts and Properties of Merit of PA, volunteer; married twenty-one years to Siobhan "Sam" Bennett.

I've known Sam for 25 years. She has made a difference for our city more than anyone I've ever known in my 40 plus years living in Allentown, 32 years working for Lehigh County Department of Human Services, 35 years as a parent of two daughters schooled in the Allentown schools, property owner and tax payer for 40 plus years and resident of North 6th Street for 33 years. Taking into consideration my history, experiences and community involvement and participation, I believe Sam will be the best mayor our city has seen!

– Cynthia Douglas Mertz - 40 resident Allentown, Call Time Manager Friends of Siobhan "Sam" Bennett

"Sam's leadership encompasses active listening and inspiring others with visions for better neighborhoods and schools. She has a gift for bringing people together....and that is why I am supporting Sam's candidacy for Mayor of Allentown 2017. Sam knows how to stand firm. The closing of Hary's Bar in 2007:our neighborhood was bombarded by this nuisance bar at the Hotel Traylor. Sam got all the neighbors together, encouraged us to pool our money together and hire an attorney. Within hours of a Court Hearing in which neighbors testified to the negative impact of this establishment, Hary's was padlocked and remained closed. Sam and her husband encouraged us, stood firm and justice prevailed. Sam also mediated two seemingly opposite interest. She extended a welcoming outreach to the current owner of the Traylor Hotel and worked with him to solve problems many of us in the neighborhood thought had no solution."

– Sue Kratzer - Former Allentown School District educater, Award Winning home owner

Sam is one of the most courageous, honest and hardworking people I have ever met. Why are those aspects of her personality important? It takes courage to create great change and Allentown needs someone with bold judgment and calculated risk-taking. The city center needs to be swept clean of corruption, perceived and actual, so that government can get back to the business of improving the citizens’ quality of life. A forward-thinking, ethical candidate can create successes for Allentown, while avoiding the pitfalls that have recently stained the city administration. Allentown is a culturally diverse city which remains somewhat segregated. A leader who believes in and encourages citizens in all walks of life is needed to open meaning dialogue regarding the city’s multiculturalism. Sam’s work and life experience make her an excellent choice to open a sustained, respectful dialogue. Allentown needs a front-runner that will honor the individual and encourage the population to become involved in the growth and triumphs of the city. Sam can achieve this. Hard work is critical when running a city the size of Allentown. I met Sam in 1993. My company was a Bell Atlantic business client and I worked with Sam on many projects. It would not be unusual for us to be there weekends or into the wee morning hours to meet deadlines. Dedication to the job at hand is one of the attributes I most admire in her. My belief in Sam’s abilities is so strong that I will join her campaign to help give Allentown the leader it deserves.

– Jackie Gardner - Allentown School District educater, Former Bell Atlantic business advertiser

As a teacher when one is blessed to have a precocious and talented student "luck" into your classes, one immediately looks for those sustaining attributes of character that will serve in the long run: breadth of interest, integrity, fortitude and caring. Of course, now in retrospect I know all of this had been borne forth. Siobhan "Sam" Bennett is this superb person.

– James Mullen - Professor of Art and Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts - State University of New York at Oneonta

I support Sam Bennett for Mayor because of her commitment to Allentown. Over 21 years, as soccer moms and parent leaders on the Allen High school council, I have watched Sam's ability to collaborate and encourage wide spread participation in leadership roles. Each time Sam has run for election I have voted for her. I hope you will join me in voting for her in this election.

– Bishop Blair Couch - Moravian Church

I first met Siobhan ''Sam'' Bennett when she was the executive director of Mayfair Festival of the Arts and I was a volunteer. Many people show little or no consideration to their volunteers, but Siobhan was an exception. I still can recall the volunteer appreciation dinners she hosted under a tent in Cedar Beach Park. And we, the volunteers, were treated to an actual meal instead of the usual hamburgers and hot dogs. In 2005 I worked on her campaign for mayor of Allentown, sadly she lost. She is by far the best and most qualified individual to be Allentown's next mayor. She has done such incredible things as a private citizen just imagine what she will accomplish as Allentown's mayor. She doesn't care about political affiliation she can work with both parties to do what is right for our city. I respect her for her passion and loyalty and devotion to her city. Allentown has literally been transformed especially my beloved, Downtown Allentown, in the past several years, and it is wonderful. Siobhan will be able to build on the momentum and be able to make Allentown a city that everyone will want to live, work, and play in and once again make Allentown an all American city. She will fix what is ailing our schools, and solve quality of life issues that are hurting our neighborhoods. She will repair our city's image, and she will fix our schools to make them the envy of the Lehigh Valley yet again. Siobhan will not only fix Allentown, I know that she will make it the best that it has ever been. I am excitied for her to be elected and for her to begin to work her magic on this great city that I have always and always will love. This is why I am endorsing her for mayor. This is why this Republican is supporting the next mayor of Allentown, PA, Siobhan ''Sam Bennett

– BIlly Ehrlacher

Isn't it about time that our dream maker and bold vision maker become the Mayor of Allentown. I have known Sam for many years now and she exemplifies the message "it takes a village" with the one caveat that she is the perfect person to demonstrate leadership for this village. Sam is one of the most caring individuals that I have ever met and totally understands the idea of diversity and inclusion. My mother, Mary S. Jackson, believed in Sam so many years ago and I continue to bring forth the message that Sam is Allentown's must have Mayor. Good luck Sam--Ascend, ascend.....I am right aside of you in this journey.

– Joanne Jackson Bauer

I have lived in the city for over 6 years. Published 2 books and founded 2 magazines here. I walk the streets and take Lanta bus. Getting to know Sam, I believe she is the right person to lead Allentown. Sam is concerned about the ENTIRE city, not just 7th and Hamilton. She is running for the right reasons: to make a real difference in the city. To make Allentown a state and national leader. Sam will listen to everyone, not just the upper class. I believe Sam will fight to help the homeless find jobs and housing. She will try attract jobs beyond manufacturing that will help college graduates stay in the area. Build the city as a whole, not just certain sections. These are only a few examples of why I am proud to endorse Sam Bennett. She is the only person for mayor of Allentown.

– Michael Phoenix

I have shared so maney wondorfu years growing up in Allentown. Today, As an adult I am able to appriecate how much the city has blossomed and look forward to the germanation of its future. I can relate to how Sam takes great pride in this city. It is great to see new things in development but I belive it is more meningful to resore the old. This needs to be done in a way that does not harm its resedents. Besides, The city could always use a womens touch!

– Gina Morganello

I have known Siobhan "Sam" Bennett for nearly two decades and have found her to be intelligent, honest and well organized with an outgoing engaging personality. In the many years that I worked with Sam in the Allentown City and Lehigh County Democratic Committees I have found her to be an encouraging and artful leader with incredible political and personal instincts and skills. Sam is a person who is truly dedicated to her community and to her family. Back in the early 2000's my daughter, Rachel told me about the extraordinary person who was mentoring Rachel and some of her friends in organizing and operating the student led "William Allen Construction Company," which was responsible for some major renovations including the Auditorium at William Allen High School. These renovations cost the taxpayer nothing and made major improvements to William Allen High School. Rachel, who is now a successful Attorney, credits Sam for helping her to develop many skills such as Grant Writing, Public Speaking, as well as Public Relations and Marketing, which have served Rachel well in her Attorney positions. Sam also gave Rachel her first "Real Job" working for Sam's Non Profit, "Properties of Merit," a local beautification project that Pennsylvania Governor, Ed Rendell pushed to be funded statewide. Rachel was also a trusted member of Sam's team when Sam ran for office. As a member of "The Lehigh Valley Folk Music Society" Performing Group I had a chance to witness Sam Bennett in action on the grounds of Cedar Beach back during the "Mayfair Festival Of the Arts" when Sam was the Mayfair Executive Director for 2 years. Sam was traveling all over the Cedar Beach area during the Music Festival personally making sure that every performer had what they needed, whether it was sound equipment or water. Sam also has experience working in Washington where she was the National CEO for 5 years of the "Women's Campaign Fund," the Nations oldest organization financially supporting women running for office. While working in Washington Sam also became a regular contributor for Fox News, MSNBC and PBS, where she often appeared on shows such as Megyn Kelley's, Chris Matthews Hardball and others. A look at Sam's website, can give Allentown voters a look at Sam's outstanding background and lifetime accomplishments. In my opinion if Sam Bennett becomes the Democratic Mayoral Candidate and later on the Mayor of Allentown, I believe we will all breathe a sigh of relief as the dark cloud that hangs over the Allentown Mayor's Office is lifted and is replaced by a dynamic new Breath of Fresh Air. Jerry Gallagher - Allentown City Democratic Committeeman and Lehigh County Democratic Committeeman

– Jerry Gallagher

I'm With Sam

“I've always been impressed by leadership that is compassionate, leads by example and committed to diversity. Sam Bennett is such a leader.  Having grown up in Allentown, I fully support her candidacy for Mayor in 2017 because Allentown is no longer a small town, but a metropolitan city. Our growth depends on a leader of Sam's magnitude. ”
— Tatiana Tooley - former candidate PA State House (PA 22), Get Out The Vote Manager Friends of Siobhan "Sam" Bennett 2017

Endorse Sam