Sam Bennett

“A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.”

– Arnold Glasow



May 16, 2017

Let me begin by congratulating Ed, Charlie, and Ray on their great races-and we will see who emerges as the winner in tonight’s primary. It was difficult race with a crowded field of seven candidates splitting the vote ad we commend all candidates including Josh, Dave, and Nathan.

The city’s residents had difficult choices to make, and many may not be happy with the results. But, this primary was about more than someone’s candidate getting more votes than the others. It was-and it is-about the future of Allentown.

So, with that in mind, I will continue to work for the betterment of Allentown and the lives of its residents.

As my last act as a candidate, I want to thank all the people who were behind me throughout the campaign, offering moral support and needed funding, especially my husband Martin and my son David.

I also must thank those people who went ahead of me knocking on doors, talking to their families and friends, or formally endorsing my candidacy.

Finally, my lasting gratitude to my wonderfully professional campaign team that worked tirelessly alongside of me during the 10 grueling months of the campaign.

One last thought. Regardless of who is elected Mayor in November, we are all stakeholders in Allentown, and each and every one of us needs to get involved and work together if we are to eradicate urban blight. If we are to eliminate negative perceptions of crime and our schools. If we are to revitalize the ENTIRE city, not just the five-block NIZ area. To make Allentown all it can be!

Moving Allentown Forward – Together





I'm With Sam

“I've known Sam for 25 years. She has made a difference for our city more than anyone I've ever known in my 40 plus years living in Allentown, 32 years working for Lehigh County Department of Human Services, 35 years as a parent of two daughters schooled in the Allentown schools, property owner and tax payer for 40 plus years and resident of North 6th Street for 33 years. Taking into consideration my history, experiences and community involvement and participation, I believe Sam will be the best mayor our city has seen! ”
— Cynthia Douglas Mertz - 40 resident Allentown, Call Time Manager Friends of Siobhan "Sam" Bennett

Endorse Sam